Sound and music to soothe the spirit, release worry, fear, and anger, and enhance joy and happiness.
Sound Healing Therapy.
Sound Healing or Sound Therapy may seem like the latest New Age trend, but in fact, it dates back thousands of years. Our ancestors embraced sound as the very essence of life itself. The ancients understood what modern science is now beginning to discover; that we live in a sea of vibration—the source of all form, the source of all thought. Many cultures and religions revere sound so deeply as to believe it's called the universe into being.
Among the legacy of mathematics, Pythagoras, often considered the Godfather of Modern Sound Medicine, taught his students to use sound and music to soothe the spirit, release worry, fear, and anger, and enhance joy and happiness.
Since the human body is over 75% water and since sound travels five times faster through water than through air, sound frequency stimulation directly into the body is a highly efficient means for total body stimulation, especially at the cellular level. Direct stimulation of living cellular tissue using sound frequency vibration has shown marked cellular metabolism and therefore a possible mobilization of a cellular healing response.
The deep impact of these high-frequency instruments transforms not only the bones and tissues but penetrates the sub-atomic structure of the cell.
According to Oncologist Mitchell Gaynor, M.D. sound energy therapy is the future of modern medicine. It offers the same benefits to conditions of the body as some prescription drugs. Vibrations from crystal sound resonate the nervous system, transform brain states, and effectively treat stress, depression, sleep disorders, Alzheimer and cancer.
"Sound will be the medicine of the future" - Edgar Cayce. I love this quote above by Edgar Cayce as it rings the bells of truth. There isn’t an organ in our human system that’s not affected by the power of sound.
The instruments I use in my Sound and vibration therapy sessions: A rainstick (who doesn't love the sound of rain gently falling?), flute, chimes, crystal grid, crystal bowls and 4 gongs. The frequencies produced by these instruments help our brain to fall into a deep relaxation mode. During the session, it is said that our brain waves are functioning within the theta and delta state. You will instantly feel clarity within the mind and deep peace and relaxation. When our brain is placed under this beneficial state, we get to digest the things that have been happening throughout our day. We will be able to process our thoughts and emotions and gain absolute clarity to enjoy a calmer and happier mood. Over time you will reduce your stress, fatigue and depression as the high frequencies begin to be more dominant in your cells than the lower vibrations and frequencies of fear, anxiety and depression.
Studies have shown that Sound and vibration therapy sessions work wonders for participants when it comes to self-healing. It helps us relax in a trance-like state while boosting our inner feeling of wellness. Furthermore, they are known to help resolve emotional and even physical disharmony in many cases.
The higher our personal vibration is the healthier we are - so laughing, singing, dancing, meditating, exercising outdoors in nature, doing yoga, Reiki and Sound healing all lift our vibration.
Colleen offers one on one sessions, small group session in her healing studio in Scarborough, larger outdoor group sessions between October and April for the new and full moons, equinoxes and solstices and heads indoors to local venues for the cooler months to keep the larger group sessions going." Please delete Colleen works with.... and please delete the venues names.
Colleen collaborates with other musicians who delivers high vibration sessions at other venues around Perth.
Personally, it has helped her through the many challenges life offers and sped up her recovery for hip replacement surgery.